
O.J Ebubeoha

Author | Blogger | Content Creator
Author O.J Ebubeoha


is a Nigerian author, hardcore romantic, and lover of smut.

She spins heart-racing sensual, romance suspense stories readers will enjoy with a naughty glint in their eyes. 

You can call her a full-time introvert and partial extrovert because she lives half her life inside her head than outside, except when she’s punching figures on her financial reporting worksheet.

She’s passionate about writing romance novellas and sometimes dabbles into poetry. Exploring and traveling with a book in hand is second nature to her, and she’s obsessed with K-drama.

Her short story Love Like Blooming Vine won a spot in the Anthology – Notes on Love & Other Stories hosted by Kepress Ng.

She was invited as a featured columnist for Malimbe Magazine where excerpts of her books and short stories are published in their in-flight magazine.

Jane is a member of the Nigerian Indie Romance Authors (#NIRA) Community, which is focused on promoting Nigerian female romance authors worldwide.

Being a nature lover, she is drawn to beautiful colorful flowers and firmly advocates for gratitude and appreciation. She also enjoys connecting with people and finds purpose in advocating for mental & personal wellness.

Her books are published on various online platforms, including Amazon, Kobo, PabPub, Bambooks, Mylibribooks, and Selar.

The Paperback and Hardback copies of her books are available on Amazon, BookPeddlers Bookstore, and Rovingheights Bookstore Abuja and Lagos.

You can keep in touch with her through her contact links, subscribe to receive her newsletters and connect with her on social media.

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