Book Quotes from Ignited Pasions

Favourite Book Quotes From Ignited Passions

Katrina and Michael’s story made my heart race with anticipation as they both wade through their obstacles, their messed-up relationships, family saga, love battles, personal loss, and the chaos around them, and I couldn’t help but share some of my favorite book quotes from ignited passions.

Writing each character made me walk in their shoes, and I felt every ounce of pain, joy, relief, brokenness, grief, and anticipation that they felt.

Here are a few of the soulful, heart-wrenching, beautiful quotes from this story.


Loosening the top buttons of her black chiffon blouse, Katrina reclined back her leather seat to allow her racing heart time to stay still. This wasn’t part of the agreement at all. No man should be looking that sinful…. Ever.

When she made the decision to give Michael Kane this appointment, Katrina hadn’t expected to be inviting a demigod to dinner. 

Katrina: Book Quotes From Ignited Passions


He looks up immediately, caught in the warm pools of her periwinkle blue eyes, the kind that held you captive the more you looked.

“Something makes it impossible to stop thinking about you in ways I shouldn’t, Mrs. Katrina,” Michael said, holding back, inches from her face.

“This is inappropriate in every way,” Katrina replied, searching his face for any kind of emotion that suggests he was toying with her.

“Yet here we are, drawn to each other from the moment I walked into your office,” he replied.


“Why are you taking this the wrong way, Katrina? I loved you once, but things didn’t work out between us,” Eric said.

“When did you conclude on that, huh? After the first or fifth miscarriage, or after the late nights without an excuse for where you had been. Which did it for you?” Katrina asked, raining down her words with a sharp edge.

“That was a low blow even for you, Kat, and cruel, too. I suffered as much as you did during those periods, staying out late to give you time to heal,” he said to her.

“Funny how you mention it now. The way I remember it, I needed my husband, and he wasn’t there at all. You left me alone to bear the pain of our losses like it was my burden and my fault,” she yelled at him.

Katrina To Eric: Book Quotes From Ignited Passions


Michael advanced, jabbing a finger in her direction. “No, I won’t. What I will do, is drive down to Luke’s house, drag his ass back here, and beat the shit out of him for every fucking lie you tell me tonight. So think carefully before you open your mouth to speak to me.”

“You wouldn’t dare, Michael. He could call the cops. You could lose your job over assault charges,” Meredith scrambled for words to reason with him, trying to talk him down.

“Try me.”

Michael To Meredith: Book Quotes From Ignited Passions


“You have got to be kidding me. Eight hours ago, you were riding the high horse, brandishing your sword of morality. Now you need me? Karma is a snarly bitch, isn’t she?”

She walked over to where he stood and cupped his face. “Does it matter what went down between us? What truly matters is now. We’ll get to create something beautiful together that’s ours,” she said, staring deep into his eyes, willing him to understand.

“And bury my feelings and desires in the mud? I have my dignity to protect, Mrs. Katrina. I’m not interested,” Michael said.

“Why are you fighting this? You want this as much as I do. Admit it.”

Michael To Katrina: Ignited Passions


“What will society say, Michael? What will people think when they see a middle-aged married woman with a handsome young man? I will bear the brunt of the backlash more than you can ever imagine.”

Have you read Ignited Passions? Share your favorite book quote in the comments below.

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