Short Story

Shattered World: A heartbreaking short story on false love and deception

Shattered World

My mouth hangs loose when I take in the man joining me for dinner. If this were happening in a movie, I’ll have screamed “cliché”, but it was happening and all I wanted to do as memories of him flood back with a vengeance was clunk him over the head with crutches.

Angered at his audacity, I reflexively slam my palm on the table drawing attention to us. “You cannot waltz back into my life whenever it pleases you, Hamza. I have adjusted to a new life without you in it. Get out.”

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Beautiful Rhythm: A Short Story

Beautiful Rhythm

Jade’s trembling hands reach up to cup my face, her fingers stalling my ravenous onslaught on her exposed skin.

“Seth,” she murmurs, willing me to look at her.

I rebel against the loss of her warm body pressed tightly against mine, yet apprehensive of the worry I sense in her warm brown eyes while trying hard not to combust from the amounts of restraint I’ve had to exercise from the first minute she walked into the studio.

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Always & Evermore: A Micro Fiction On Letting Go and Death.

Always & Evermore

Malik wraps his arms gently around my waist, pulling my back flush against his on the thin bed. He cradles my head on his arm, ensuring my oxygen tube flows freely and unhindered with our new sleeping arrangements.

The bed dips as he lowered himself behind me, placing a soft kiss on my bald head, behind my ears, and on my neck, just the way I like it.

A soft sigh escapes my lips, and I snuggle closer to him, winching when it hurt like hell.

“Are you all right?” he asks, raising himself on an elbow, his warm breath fanning the side of my face.

“l’m used to it, Malik. But I do want to see your face. I don’t want our time together to end with me facing away from you.”

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Still You: AN Emotional Story On Long, Lost Love

Still You

We stood inches apart, surrounded by the well-tended wildflowers on his dad’s back porch, his eyes focused on every inch of my face as he had done eight years ago when he said those words to me. 

Eight years felt like a long time ago, yet it felt like only a moment ago when he shattered my life and walked away without a backward glance.

“You came?”

My eyes fluttered. Hearing his voice again after so long made my heart leap. Tried as I may, I couldn’t stop myself from sniffing the air in search of his favorite Cologne.

“Yes. Your father was a great man and an excellent confidant. He stood by me even when you didn’t.”

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Wrecked Hearts: A Short Story on Passion, Pain, and Lost Love

Wrecked Hearts

The door to my office burst open, and in stormed the last person on earth I wanted to see before my big day.

His nose flared, and determination gleamed in his eyes as he cornered me unexpectedly, and pinned me to my seat.

I watched the tremors course through my body in ardent fascination – like I used to whenever things got heated between us and he was trying to be reasonable – mentally kicking myself for allowing him this close to me.

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Dangerous Waters: A short story on dark pasts and betrayal

Dangerous Waters

If I could commit murder and get away with it, I’d have killed this spineless sonofabitch eons ago, dragged his body to the wild, and leave his worthless carcass for the vultures, but I couldn’t, and he knows it too.

He knows if I had wanted him dead, I’d have done it years ago. “Protecting my past and marriage is the reason you’re still alive.

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